
Monday 12 August 2013

How To Reset The Unlock Counter Of Permanent Blocked Huawei Modem

A guy I personally know got a USB modem from the UK and the modem was locked to 3, a UK mobile network. On getting to Nigeria here, he found out the modem wouldn’t work with SIM card. The modem prompted for an unlock code and this dude kept guessing till he entered it incorrectly 10 times. He rendered the modem useless and even DC unlocker couldn’t unlock it. I tried all I could but it didn’t work. I decided to try flashing the modem and re-installed the firmware but still, the unlock counter still read 10. Before the modem finally became useable again, Below is the procedure i followed:

How to Reset the Unlock Counter
Like I said earlier, upgrading the firmware did not reset the unlock counter which read 10 out of 10. I had to reset the counter with a software. If you haven’t entered your unlock code 10 times like the guy in question did, you can still do it if you want to unlock your modem, anyway.

    Download Huawei Modem Unlocker Here
    Extract the content and run the .exe file inside
    Click on Refresh. Your modem should be automatically detected so far you checked AUTO CONNECTION under connection mode
    Be sure Auto-Calc Code and Auto-Unlock Modem are both marked

    Now click UNLOCK. This should both unlock your modem and reset the counter at the same time
    Congratulation! Now you’ve successfully reset “permanently locked” of your Huawei modem to 10 times again.
    Lastly, click on Calculate to generate the flash code. You’re gonna be needing it later.

Hope you have rested your unlock code counter so please do Share/Like this article to your friend and give us support by commenting.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information.I used the reset code from to reset my Huawei device.
